Please check your part number, KA020XX-BXX before start downloading the driver. Please download the driver from the link if you have the following part number's printer.
DL7600Pro KA02087-B217, KA02087-B117 DL7400Pro KA02086-B217, KA02086-B117 DL7600 KA02039-B217, KA02039-B117 DL7400 KA02038-B217, KA02038-B117 DL3850+ KA02014-B136, KA02017-B336 DL3750+ KA02013-B136, KA02013-B336
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Region * Japan Asia Western Europe Eastern Europe Oceania North / Central America South America Middle East / Africa
Model Name * DL7400Pro DL7600Pro DL7600 DL7400 DL3850+ DL3750+
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